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COVID-19: Measures in the area of insurance of self-employed individuals – update

Social security

The Senate has approved today afternoon a bill saying that no social security advance payments for March until August 2020 will be due.

On the annual basis, the amounts due for the months March till August 2020 will be decreased by CZK 2,544 per month (for those who have self-employment activity as main income) and CZK 1,018 per month (for those who have it as subsidiary activity).

Health insurance

Similarly, the Senate confirmed that also in the area of health insurance no late payment penalties will be assessed on late paid advance payments for the months March till August 2020 (for the period until 21 September 2020).

In addition, the advance payments for March till August 2020 in the minimum amount do not have to be settled at all.

For those who pay higher than the minimum payments, they will be obliged to repay for these months only the amount that exceeds the minimum payments, but can do so also only once filing the annual report for 2020.

Further, the deadline for filing the annual report for 2019 should be extended from 4 May until 3 August 2020.

The bills now only need to be signed by the President.