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Brexit & Social and Health Insurance

It is still unclear how the Brexit situation will develop. A decision about extension until the end of June 2019 has so far been made in Great Britain, but this postponement still needs to be approved by all EU countries. If the extension is achieved, the current EU rules will remain in operation. In terms of social security and health insurance, this mainly means the regulation on coordination of the social security systems no. 883/2004 and 987/2009.

In case of no-deal, Great Britain would be in the position of a third country with certain advantages for persons, who were in a cross-border situation before the Brexit date. A minimalist European regulation on arrangements for coordination of social security in case of no-deal exit of Great Britain from the EU is being prepared. This new regulation shall contain a rule of equal treatment, the principle of assimilation of facts and aggregation of the periods of insurance. The regulation will probably take effect from the date of Brexit.

Due to the postponement, the option of accepting a deal with the EU is still open, however, the British Parliament has rejected it twice already. If the deal was approved, all current rules regarding social security and health insurance would remain in force until the end of the year 2020.