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Changes in flat-rate tax for 2024

The principles for inclusion in the individual flat-rate tax bands remain the same (see article from last year Changes in flat-rate tax from 2023). However, due to the increase in the average wage and the increase in the assessment base of social security from 25% to 30% of the average wage, there is an increase in all bands.

What is the new amount of monthly lump-sum advances and lump-sum tax?

The amount of the taxpayer’s lump-sum advances in the 2024 advance period by flat rate band is as follows:

  • Band I of the flat rate scheme: CZK 7 498
  • Band II of the flat rate scheme: CZK 16 745
  • Band III of the flat rate scheme: CZK 27 139
Monthly prepayments Total amount Income tax Pension insurance Health insurance
I. band CZK 7 498 CZK 100 CZK 4 430 CZK 2 968
II. band CZK 16 745 CZK 4 963 CZK 8 191 CZK 3 591
III. band CZK 27 139 CZK 9 320 CZK 12 527 CZK 5 292

We remind you that entry into the flat-rate scheme is voluntary and it is possible to register until 10 January 2024. Those taxpayers who used the flat-rate tax in 2023 and for whom the current increase would mean a disadvantage may consider leaving the flat-rate scheme. This must also be notified to the tax office by 10 January 2024.