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Czech Labour Market Opens to Global Talent

Starting July 2024, citizens from Australia, Japan, Canada, South Korea, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the United States, Singapore, and Israel will have free access to the Czech labour market.

What This Means for Foreign Nationals:

  • No Work Permit Required: Work in the Czech Republic with just a valid employment Visa or Residency Permit (depending on your stay length). This exception doesnt apply for Blue Card aplicants.
  • Career Flexibility: Easily switch employers by simply notifying Czech authorities.

What This Means for Czech Employers:

  • Simplified Hiring: Access top global talent without the usual bureaucracy—no need to announce job openings with the Czech Labour Office or apply for a Work Permit.

Now is the perfect time for global talent to explore new opportunities in the Czech Republic, and for Czech employers to tap into an expanded talent pool.

For more details, contact our team.